
Tito and Borjo.

tito borjo

The main characters of the story, both want to become Legends.
These characters have personalities and nature dissimilar. While Tito is a trickster or nahual trapped in his animal form; Borjo is a former cop with the hability of extrasensorial perception.
The relationship between them is disfunctional so it will bring constant troubles.

Wandering Rider.


This character is a true Legend. However, he is an outlaw from Strange World’s Justice.
About the Wandering Rider people says many things, because his dark past and present.
The truth is this character has is own ideals which will take him to act in unexpected ways,



Even more enigmatic and frightening that the Wandering Rider himself is his steed. The legend says that none can tame it. On this impossible the Wandering Rider rides.



She is a founder member of hidden Ministery and one of the elite leaders of the bounty hunters department. Paz swore to get even with the Wandering Rider.

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